18th May 2024

Benefits of Upper and Lower Eyelid Surgery | Blepharoplasty

What is blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty is a surgical operation that repairs droopy eyelids and eyebags and may involve removing excess skin, muscle and fat. As you age, your eyelids stretch and the muscles supporting them weaken. This can cause excess fat to gather above and below your eyelids, causing sagging eyebrows, droopy upper lids and bags under your eyes.

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What are the issues associated with eye bags and upper eye lid droop?

  • Eye bags and upper eyelid droop can make you look older.
  • Sagging skin around your eyes can reduce your side vision (peripheral vision), especially the upper and outer parts of your field of vision.

Blepharoplasty can help reduce or eliminate these vision problems and make your eyes appear younger and more alert.

What does blepharoplasty involve?

A blepharoplasty is conducted under local anaesthetic with sedation or under general anaesthetic.

The surgeon will need to know if you are taking any medicines to reduce your risk of blood clots, such as aspirin or warfarin.

Surgery on the upper eyelids involves:

  • making a cut or incision along the eyelid crease in the natural skin fold of the eyelid
  • removing excess skin, fat or muscle
  • then closing the incision.  The scar is usually be hidden in the natural fold of the eyelid

Surgery on the lower eyelids involves:

  • The surgeons will make an incision either just below the lower eyelashes or on the inside of the lower eyelid
  • Then repositioning or removing fat from the bags under the eyes, and sometimes also a small amount of skin
  • Supporting the muscles and tendon of the eyelid if necessary
  • Then closing the incision
  • Lastly, the surgeon will apply thin, sticky strips called suture strips to support the eyelids after surgery. They are usually removed up to 1 week later.

An upper blepharoplasty takes about 1 hour. Surgery on the lower lid takes between 1 to 2 hours. Most patients can go home on the same day.

Benefits of blepharoplasty

  • Upper eyelid surgery will improve your vision: One of the most common reasons for patients opting for a blepharoplasty surgery is to improve their vision. Excessive upper eyelid drooping and puffiness of the eyes can naturally impact your vision. A procedure like a blepharoplasty can help make improvements to your vision in this case.
  • Following surgery a blepharoplasty can help to smooth your forehead: Often, when your eyelids feel heavy or feel as though they have excess weight you may find yourself raising your eyebrows to improve your vision. If you do this repeatedly, it can contribute to fine lines appearing on your forehead. One of the benefits of blepharoplasty surgery is that you may stop raising your eyebrows and lessen the effects of the lines.
  • You will look refreshed and have a youthful eye shape: Over time, excessive pockets of fat can develop around your eyes which can change the shape of your eyes. It can make them appear round and narrow making them appear more weighed down. Through a lower eyelid lift, it can help to remove this extra weight and provide your eye shape with a more youthful appearance.
  • “An upper and lower blepharoplasty or eye lift lasts for many years and creates a more youthful look. Many of my patients are delighted that they can use eye make up again.” – Mr David Gateley GMC 2939470, MA FRCS FRCS(Plast) (Consultant Plastic Surgeon, Medical Director).

If you feel that your eyes need a refresh and you would like more information, please get in touch with us. Our Plastic Surgeons are specialists in upper or lower eyelift (upper or lower blepharoplasty). During your consultation, your surgeon will show you before and after photos, they will discuss the procedure in more detail, what happens during the recovery phase and they will assess if you are suitable for the operation. To book a consultation in Harley street or in Wimbledon, London, please contact us here or call on 0204 551 4892

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