29th May 2024

Lower Eye Bag Removal Surgery: What Are Your Options?

Do you have bags under your eyes that make you look tired all the time, no matter how much sleep you get? If so, you might want to consider under eye bag surgery. But what are your options?

In this blog post, we'll look at the most popular methods of lower-eye bag removal surgery. We'll also answer frequently asked questions about the procedure, such as how long it takes to recover and the risks. Read on to learn more about your under eye surgery options.


The most common type of lower eye bag removal surgery is blepharoplasty. This involves removing excess skin and fat from the lower eyelids, which is the area under your eye. We can perform blepharoplasty using either an external or internal approach.

External Blepharoplasty

An external blepharoplasty is the most common type of surgery. This is a sub ciliary incision, which means the incision is made just below the lower eyelashes. The surgeon will then remove any excess skin and fat. Our skilled facial plastic surgeons hide the incision within the natural crease of the eyelid. With a healthy lifestyle, the results of an external blepharoplasty can last for years.

Internal Blepharoplasty

An internal or trans-conjunctival blepharoplasty is a minimally invasive surgery that can remove lower eyelid bags. In this procedure, the surgeon makes a small incision that addresses age-related dark circles and bags by tightening the muscle and removing excess skin and fat. Trans-conjunctival blepharoplasty is less invasive than other types of surgery and has a shorter recovery time, but it is not suitable for everyone.

Most consider it the simplest and most effective way to restore a youthful appearance around the eyes — even more so than non-surgical treatments like fillers or Botox. It is always best to discuss what’s best for your under eye bag area with your surgeon. We can advise on the best outcome for you. Get in touch to find out more.

FAQs About Lower Eye Bag Removal Surgery

Now that we've looked at the most popular types of lower eye bag removal surgery, let's answer some frequently asked questions about the procedure:

Eyelid fat removal is a type of lower eye bag surgery that involves removing excess fat from the lower eyelids. We can do this using either an external or an internal approach.

Recovery times vary depending on the type of surgery you have. For traditional blepharoplasty, you can expect to take around two weeks before you feel back to normal. For laser surgery and trans-conjunctival blepharoplasty, recovery times are typically shorter, around one week or less in most cases.

As with any surgical procedure, there are always risks involved. The most common complications after lower eye bag removal surgery include bleeding, infection, and scarring. However, these complications are rare and usually minor. More severe complications are extremely rare but can have vision problems or nerve damage.

Many patients combine lower eye bag removal surgery with other cosmetic procedures, such as upper blepharoplasty or face lift surgery. This can help to create a well-balanced and rejuvenated appearance. Our plastic surgeon can discuss your options with you during your consultation.

The cost of lower eye bag removal surgery varies depending on the type of procedure you have and where you have it done. 

During your consultation with Kensington Medical, our team will provide you with a personalised quote for your surgery. The Cost for a lower eyebag removal at Kensington Medical is £4,200. 

How much is eye bag removal or lower blepharoplasty in the UK?

Eye bag surgery, or lower Blepharoplasty costs from £4,200 in London. Included in the price is the hospital cost, the plastic surgeon cost, the anaesthetist cost, the nursing cost and after care. 

If you choose to have a combined upper eye lid surgery and lower eye bag removal surgery then the price will incease to £5,800. The combined price is generally lower than having the two procedures separately because the overall costs are lower because it all takes place on the same day. 


Lower eyelid bags can be irritating especially when people tell you how tired you look. We recommend talking to a our expert surgeons who can help you weigh the pros and cons of each option based on your individual needs.

Our Lower eyebag removal surgeons:

Mr David Gateley Consultant Plastic Surgoen GMC 2939470, MA FRCS, FRCS (Plast)

Mr Amir Sadri Consultant Plastic Surgoen GMC 6163656, FRCS (Plast)


Contact Kensington Medical today for a consultation or phone 0204 551 4892 to arrange to see our specialist lower eyelid removal plastic surgeon. One of our experienced surgeons will be happy to discuss your options. Ask to see our patient's lower blepharoplasty before and after pictures. Sometimes seeing the results of people with similar under-eye bags can be the best way to decide.


For more information on upper and lower eye lid surgery click here. To find out about Kensington Medical and why we are different, visit here.

Please find some useful links about Kensington Medical: 

About Kensington Medical and why we are different

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View our eye lid eye bag removal procedure videos on FAQs

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