7th Jul 2024

Revision Rhinoplasty London

Rhinoplasty is a complex operation. Sometimes, the desired results are not achieved the first time, and revision rhinoplasty may be required. If you are unhappy with the results of your primary rhinoplasty, a revision rhinoplasty may be the solution. This procedure corrects any aesthetic or functional problems you may have with your nose.

At Kensington Medical our team of expert Plastic Surgeons have extensive experience with revision rhinoplasties and secondary rhinoplasties. In fact, they have done hundreds and hundreds of them and have given the confidence back to so many who have been disappointed by the initial rhinoplasty procedure.

What is a Revision Rhinoplasty?

Revision rhinoplasty is a secondary nose surgery performed to correct any problems that were not resolved with the first surgery. It is more complex than primary rhinoplasty, which involves correcting previous surgical mistakes and working around scar tissue.

Only a skilled and experienced surgeon should attempt revision rhinoplasty or secondary rhinoplasty, as it is a delicate operation. Any error can cause further damage and deformity. It also includes revisions to similar procedures, such as septoplasty (to correct a deviated septum) or sinus surgery (to improve breathing) or alar base reduction.

Why Revision Rhinoplasty may be necessary

The goal of revision rhinoplasty is to improve the function and appearance of the nose while maintaining facial harmony. There are many reasons patients may require revision rhinoplasty, including:

Unsatisfactory results from primary surgery:

One of the most common reasons for revision rhinoplasty is dissatisfaction with the results of the primary surgery. The patient may not be happy with their nose's shape, size, or symmetry.

Complications from previous surgery:

Another common reason for revision rhinoplasty is complications from the primary surgery. These complications include a perforated septum, a saddle nose deformity, and difficulty breathing. It's essential to seek a revision rhinoplasty surgeon with experience correcting these complications.

Kensington Medical is proud to work with three of the best revision nose reshaping surgeons in the UK, Mr. David GateleyMr Amir Sadri, and Mr Paul Tulley who have years of experience correcting both primary and revision rhinoplasty surgeries. to view the prfiles of these highly experienced revision nose surgeons click here.   

Feeling like your rhinoplasty is not right can lead to lack of confidence and geneuine disapointment, we have helped hundres of partient with their revision rhinoplasty procedure. Call us today to find out more.

The nose has shifted because of previous surgery:

The nose can shift over time because of the natural ageing process or previous surgery. This can cause breathing problems and an asymmetrical appearance. Revision rhinoplasty can correct this by resetting the nose in its proper position.

When is the best time for a revision Rhinoplasty Surgery?

The best time for revision rhinoplasty surgery is when the swelling from the primary surgery has gone down. This can take up to a year. It's essential to wait until all the swelling has gone down before having a revision rhinoplasty. If not, the surgeon won't be able to see the true shape of the nose. This could lead to more surgery in the future.

What to expect during revision Rhinoplasty Surgery or Secondary Rhinoplasty?

During revision rhinoplasty surgery, the surgeon will make incisions in the same places as the primary surgery. However, because revision rhinoplasty is more complex, the incisions may be more significant.

The surgeon will then correct any aesthetic or functional problems. This may involve breaking the nose and resetting it, correcting a deviated septum, or removing scar tissue.

In some cases revision rhinoplassty involves a graft. This is because of the scarring process following a primary rhinoplasty. The main aim of a nose reconstruction surgeon is to restore structural support, this is where a graft comes in.

Autogenious cartilage grafts generally come from rib cartilage, septum cartilage and ear cartilage from the patient. It is favoured over foreign grafts as it removes risk of infection. Cartilage grafts can help to build structure, help with the contour of the nose and symmetry and help to improve breathing. 

During your consultation, yuor plastic surgoen will examine your nose, they will discuss the options best suited for your nose.  At Kensington Medical revision nose surgery is our speciality, we have decades of experience in this nose procedure. 

Breaking the Nose

Sometimes, the surgeon may need to break the nose to reset it. An incision does this in the columella (the tissue between the nostrils). The surgeon will insert a surgical instrument into the incision and carefully break the bone.

Once the bone is broken, the surgeon can reset it and secure it with titanium plates and screws. This will give the nose more support and prevent it from shifting over time.

Correcting a Deviated Septum

A deviated septum is a common problem that can be corrected with revision rhinoplasty. This condition occurs when the septum (the bone and cartilage that divides the nostrils) is displaced to one side. This can cause difficulty breathing and a crooked appearance.

To correct a deviated septum, the plastic surgeon will make an incision in the columella and carefully move the septum into the correct position. Once it is in place, the cosmetic surgeon will secure it with titanium plates and screws.

Removing Scar Tissue

In some cases, revision rhinoplasty may involve removing scar tissue. The surgeon will carefully remove the scar tissue, taking care not to damage surrounding tissues. This part of the procedure is tricky because each patient is different, and many factors can affect the amount and location of scar tissue.

A Pollybeak beak deformity is another shape that can occur whereby a revision rhinoplasty will be required. It can occur when swelling or tissue in the supratip can push the nose downward into the beak-like formation. Thsi shape This deformity will not resolve by itself and will require revision surgery to adjust the cartilage and bridge in order to achieve a more natural and balanced nose.

The surgery will take 2-4 hours and can be done under general anaesthesia or local anaesthesia with sedation.

Recovery after Revision Rhinoplasty

After revision rhinoplasty, you will have splints or packing in your nose to support it during healing. You will also have swelling and bruising around your eyes, which will resolve in 2-3 weeks. Most of the swelling will go down in 6-8 weeks, but it can take up to a year to subside completely.

Our Kensington Medical team may provide particular anti-inflammatory medication to help with the swelling. You should avoid strenuous activity for 4-6 weeks after surgery. It's important to follow your surgeon's post-operative instructions and attend all follow-up appointments. These will help ensure a successful outcome and reduce the risk of complications.

At Kensington Medical your plastic surgeon will see you for a follow-up appointment one week after surgery. Your surgeon will remove the splints and packing from your nose at this appointment.

Final results of Revision Rhinoplasty

Your nose will continue to heal and change shape for up to a year after surgery. However, you will see the final results of your revision rhinoplasty within 6-12 months. At this point, you should be able to breathe easily and have a nose in the desired shape.

How long do the results of a Revision Rhinoplasty last?

The results of revision rhinoplasty are usually long-lasting. However, it's important to remember that the nose is a complex structure, and no surgery is perfect. There is always a small risk that the nose will shift over time or additional surgeries will be required. It's important to follow your surgeon's post-operative instructions and attend all follow-up appointments. These will help ensure a successful outcome and reduce the risk of complications.

What are the risks of Surgery?

There are risks associated with all forms of surgery including revision rhinoplasty. These include:

● Infection
● Bleeding
● Nasal septum perforation (a hole in the nasal septum)
● Persistent pain
● Numbness
● Unsatisfactory results

Revision rhinoplasty is a complex surgery, and it is crucial to choose a surgeon who is experienced in this procedure. Kensington Medical only works with the best revision rhinoplasty surgeons in London, so you can be sure you are well cared for.

If you are considering revision rhinoplasty, it is essential to consult with an experienced facial plastic surgeon who specialises in this procedure. Mr David Gateley and Mr Amir Sadri are two of the best revision rhinoplasty surgeons in the UK. They will be able to assess your case and recommend the best rhinoplasty procedure.

Please contact Kensington Medical today to learn more about revision rhinoplasty or to schedule a consultation with Mr GateleyMr Sadri. If you prefer you can phone us on 0204 5514892