18th Apr 2024

What is a non-surgical facelift?

A facelift is a commonly performed procedure, which aims to create a more youthful appearance on your face.

In the past 20 years, technical and medical progress has meant that facial conditions, such as lines and wrinkles, loss of skin plumpness, loss of skin laxity, hyperpigmentation and scarring can be treated effectively with a non-surgical procedure or a combination of non-surgical procedures. This is called a non-surgical facelift. 

Incorporate the technology that works.

A non-surgical facelift can incorporate a blend of:

  • fat transfer and dermal fillers for volume; 
  • muscle-relaxing injections for wrinkles; and 
  • Ultherapy or laser treatment to tighten the skin through the promotion of collagen growth and skin elasticity.
  • Thread lift for lifting the mid face and a cindarella facelift which incorporates thread lifting to lift the face and dermal fillers to plump the face.

Non-surgical facelifts can be an attractive solution for patients in their 30s or 40s looking for a fast, non-invasive alternative to a surgical facelift. For more mature patients, a non-surgical facelift can be effective at maintaining the results of a previous surgical facelift. For a woman or man looking for a facelift result in their 50's, 60's and 70's a non surgical facelift is more difficult to achieve due to skin and muscle laxity and volume loss. 

What treatments can I have as part of a non-surgical facelift?

The exact treatment combination will be determined by your surgeon, based on your specific needs and treatment objectives. The most common non-surgical treatments, which may be part of a non-surgical facelift here at Kensington Medical are the following:

  • Ultherapy: this is an FDA-approved technology that uses ultrasounds to stimulate the creation of collagen in the deeper layers of the skin. It is considered one of the best non-surgical skin tightening treatments available in 2022 at Kensington Medical. Ultherapy only requires one treatment and patients can normally get back to their daily routine straight after the procedure. During this treatment, areas beneath the skin will be targeted with a high-intensity beam of ultrasounds to promote the production of collagen and elastin. This should leave you with firmer skin and improve the appearance of wrinkles and jowls.
  • Dermal Fillers: these are synthetic soft tissue injected under the skin to visibly decrease the appearance of undesirable wrinkles, shape and create volume, and overall give the skin a revived, refreshed look. Dermal fillers usually just require one treatment, and the results can be seen instantly. The results of a dermal filler last around 12 months.
  • Fat transfer to face: this involves harvesting some of your adipose tissue through liposuction, generally from your buttocks, thighs or abdomen and re-injecting it into your face, adding volume and reviving the skin. This treatment is highly effective as the substance being injected is your own tissue, so the risk of rejection is minimal and the results are long-lasting.
  • Laser skin resurfacing: this is a facial rejuvenation method using a laser to further refine the skin's appearance or treat minor facial imperfections. Laser skin resurfacing can diminish the presence of fine lines and wrinkles on the face. It can likewise treat a loss of complexion and further enhance your appearance by targeting scars and sun damage.
  • Thread lift is a non surgical treatment whereby temporary sutures are used to produce a visible "lift" that is subtle on the face. No skin is removed surgically. If a patient has more skin laxity then this procedure would not be recommended. Generally it is combined with dermal fillers and Ultherapy to create an overall lift. The pricing for all of these treatments can in effect add up to the price of a facelift which is longer lasting. 

Benefits of a non-surgical facelift

There are many reasons why you should consider a non-surgical facelift, including:

  • It is an effective, non-invasive treatment, which means no incision is made to your skin.
  • The recovery is, in the majority of cases, immediate so there is no downtime. You can resume your day-to-day activities straight after treatment.
  • It is an excellent option for patients, who are unsure about undergoing surgery.
  • It is particularly indicated to patients looking for a subtle result.
  • A non-surgical facelift can be customised to your needs and include a combination of treatments to best achieve your desired result.

Alternative long-term options

The results of a non-surgical facelift are not permanent (3 to 12 months depending on the chosen procedure), can become very expensive over time and will need maintenance to retain the optimal results. Fat grafting however and laser skin resurfacing can last years.

If you are looking for a more permanent solution with a more dramatic result that does not require regular maintenance then surgery may be the way forward. Some of the surgical procedures we recommend here at Kensington Medical are:

If you would like to arrange a consultation, or simply want further advice, please contact us today. Call us on 02045514892.

You can also meet our surgeons at 152 Harley Street, near to Regents Park, Marylebone, Kensington and Chelsea, St Johns Wood and Primrose Hill or in Wimbledon, near to Richmond, Kingston,Fulham and Putney.