Cookie Policy

We use cookies on our websites to improve your experience of our website and services. In this policy we will outline the cookies we use, what they do and what you can do about cookies.

1. What are cookies?

2. Managing cookies

3. Cookies we use

The list of the main cookies we use on our websites and a description of what we use them for is laid out below:

Cookie subgroupCookiesCookies usedLifespan
co.uk_uetsid, _fbpFirst Party2913992 Days, 90 Days
www.facebook.comThird PartySession
doubleclick.nettest_cookieThird PartyA few seconds
youtube.comYSC, CONSENT, VISITOR_INFO1_LIVEThird PartySession, 5933 Days, 180 Days
bing.comMUIDThird Party390 Days

4. Cookies Settings

5. Questions you may have

6. This policy was last updated on the 5 December 2021.